Hotel Room

The Benefits of Direct Booking

If you’re considering a trip to the beautiful Pembroke Kilkenny Hotel , you’ll probably be wondering where to go to find the best rate on offer. The answer is always, book direct! Here are some of the benefits of booking directly both for the hotel and you, the guest.

Price Comparison

Online travel agents (OTA) definitely have their benefits when deciding which property to stay in; they make it easy to compare properties side by side. Once you have decided on your ideal property, it’s always better to book directly with the hotel. Usually, how a guest books is determined by where can offer the lowest rate on the same room. Previously this was often found on price comparison sites, but Pembroke Hotel Kilkenny realise the value of direct bookings and guarantee to offer you the very best rate available when you book directly online or over the phone to our friendly reservations team.

Why is Direct Booking Better for the Hotel?

  • Did you know that OTA’s such as or Expedia take a huge commission off every booking they process? This can vary between 10% and a huge 25%, taking money from the hotel and putting it into the pockets of this huge corporation
  • By booking directly with Pembroke Hotel, you can ensure that all of the money you pay stays with us. It’s used to pay overheads, our dedicated staff and ensure the hotel is kept to its usual high standard. It’s always better to support local when possible and booking directly is a small way to help
  • Less commission means higher profits, meaning we can extend better discounts to our valued guests and invest more money into the hotel, improving our facilities, updating our décor and ensuring each guest has a true 4-star experience

Why is Direct Booking Better for You?

  • Are you staying with us for your wedding anniversary? Perhaps you need a specially designed room to accommodate your needs? When you book direct, your requests are acknowledged first-hand by a staff member. When you book through a third party, it can be a bit like Chinese whispers! Get the room you really want/need by cutting out the middleman
  • We offer a higher level of flexibility when it comes to changing or cancelling your booking – but only if you book direct. We have no say when it comes to OTA bookings and all changes need to go through them directly
  • Often, hotels overbook on ‘standard’ rooms types, meaning we have upgraded rooms to give away to lucky guests for free. When available, we always offer these complimentary upgrades to guests who have booked directly through the hotel first to thank them for their loyalty
We guarantee that when you book directly, you will be receiving the very best rate that is available, either online or on the phone. We are able to offer fantastic special offers, discounts and packages when you book with us, which are not available anywhere else. To make your booking today, contact our friendly reservations team or use our website to complete your booking.